Embracing New Rules: Encouraging Flexible Thinking in Kids

Embracing New Rules: Encouraging Flexible Thinking in Kids


Flexible thinking is an essential skill that helps children adapt to new situations and challenges. It’s about being able to think beyond familiar patterns, “unlearning” old habits, and embracing new ways of doing things. This kind of thinking plays a pivotal role in learning and problem-solving.

One fun and simple way to introduce flexible thinking to your child is by changing up the rules. Sometimes, kids can get stuck in the idea that there’s only one way to do things. By encouraging them to explore new possibilities, you help them develop the ability to think creatively.

Here’s a playful way to start creating new rules for the games they already know. For example, in Chutes and Ladders, switch it up by having players slide down ladders and walk-up slides! Or, when playing kickball, let them try running the bases in reverse order, or even finding a different route home.

Once your child gets comfortable with switching up the rules, challenge them to combine the rules of two different games and create a brand-new one! This exercise will help them understand that there are endless possibilities for how things can work, and this mindset can be applied to other areas of life, too.

By introducing small changes to everyday games, you're teaching your child how to be flexible when unexpected situations arise. This will empower them to think on their feet and approach challenges with confidence, creativity, and adaptability.

Let the rule-breaking begin, and watch their minds grow!


Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband. 

More articles on EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS COACHING – Benjamin Mizrahi


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