When you become a parent, a light inside is awakened, and you are charged with the responsibility of illuminating the path for your children until they are old enough to hold the light for themselves.
We overpower children by letting them know that we know what is best for them. We empower our children by asking questions that will make them look inside themselves.
Asking questions such as:
☀ Can you tell me more about that?
☀ How did that make you feel?
☀ What do you think we can do about this?
These are questions you should ask your children at least once a day. This gives them the ability to stay in touch with their inner self. They learn how to listen to their inner voice, their inner wisdom and make choices.
Here are some ways you can build resiliency in your kids, strengthen your relationship, and provide your children with the coping skills they need to manage their lives.
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.
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