Never Give up on Your Children

March 22, 2022

Never Give up on Your Children



“The way we treat children will be carried within them for a lifetime. Be gentle. Be kind. Be loving. Today’s child is tomorrow’s adult.” 


We should never give up on children since they aren't born good or bad. At every stage of their lives, they need parents who can help them develop a sense of compassion, respect, and responsibility for their communities. 


The most effective thing you can do to improve the world is to cultivate a culture of compassion in your own home. Consider how you might demonstrate it to your children because the Golden Rule is so important. Making our society a kinder place may seem difficult these days, but instilling compassion in your family is entirely doable. Just concentrate on some thoughtful daily routines, a few tangible activities, and a little introspection for good measure. 



Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.   

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