Teach Your Kids about Failure
Not learning to tolerate failure leaves kids vulnerable to anxiety. It leads to meltdowns when the inevitable failure does occur, whether it happens in preschool or college. And perhaps even more importantly, it can make kids give up trying—or trying new things.
How do we avoid messing up? By spending as much time as possible with our kids and making them a priority. We do it by loving them, using encouraging words, and hugging them whether they feel comfortable with it or not. Here are the 10 things to teach your kids about overcoming failure.
1. Not Everybody Gets a Trophy
Losing is every bit as important in human growth as winning. Rewarding your child for doing nothing will teach him just that. Nothing.
2. Everyone has Different Talents
There are just some things we aren’t cut out for. It’s best to learn that at an early age. The good news is that your children are all champions at something. Guide them toward their gifts.
3. Have Class
Are you teaching your children how to fail with dignity? How a person accepts failure is an easy indicator of the character within. It also almost guarantees future success. Respect is gained outwardly and inwardly.
4. Learning from Mistakes
Mistakes humble you. They can hurt. Yet without them, we are stagnant. Every mistake we make is an educational experience. Every success is built upon a foundation of errors and corrections.
5. Teaching Others
When we fail, we gain experience. It’s important to share that knowledge. Use it to mentor others experiencing similar difficulties. Instill in your children the responsibility to share their mistakes in hopes to save another from making the same.
6. Leave it All on the Field
Explain to your kids to never cheat themselves on effort and they will always gain from it. No matter the outcome.
7. Perseverance
Determination wins many victories. We should not allow our children to give up on themselves. Perseverance eventually will lead to positive results and a lifelong lesson never to be forgotten.
8. Know How to Win
It might sound obvious but knowing how to win is the easiest way not to lose. Game planning is an essential part of a successful life.
9. Definition of Success
Looking into the future, what do you wish for your son? Society teaches shallowness to be equal to success. As a parent, it is up to you to define success.
10. Sense of Humor
The ability to laugh about mistakes sure makes those moments a lot easier to deal with. When you make mistakes in front of your kids, set that example. Don’t curse and scream at the sky. Just shake your head and laugh. It happens.
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.
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