Who Are You In The Life Of Your Child?
Who are you in the life of your child?
While we often hold the view that we need to learn more tips and tricks to be better parents from our child's perspective, they see...
"When you asked me if I wanted to go with you to run errands, I know I must be important in your life."
"When I accidentally spill my milk on the table and you say, "oops, let's get a towel and clean it up." without yelling or shaming me, I know it's safe to make mistakes around you. "
"When you are patient with me by coming in to check on me at night, I know I'm safe. "
"When you listen to me talk about my dolls, friends, or made-up stories, I know you care about my world."
"When you look into my eyes and smile deeply, I know I'm loved."
The secret of parenting isn't in the strategies we learn, albeit, they are helpful. The secret of parenting is in the relationship we have with our child.
Double tap if you agree.
Wishing you and your family peace, kindness, and love.
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.
More articles on www.MrMizrahi.blog