Why Phonemic Awareness So Important?
The stronger the Phonemic awareness, the stronger the mapping. Just a few repetitions are needed for permanent mapping. Once a word is mapped, the recollection never fades, and students will have the capacity to decode any word containing the same graphemes.
Phonemic awareness is important well beyond the primary grades. In middle school, phonemic manipulation gaps are COMMON! This deficit comes to light in students’ decoding and encoding of multisyllabic words. It indicates that phoneme-grapheme relationships have not been mapped/anchored for permanent retrieval.
Knowledge of phonemes is critical to learn a language, but language learning is an unconscious process that only requires immersion in an active linguistic environment; explicit instruction is not necessary. In accomplishing this remarkable feat, the child’s language learning system responds to information at the phonemic level without the need for conscious awareness of that level. Learning to read that language, if it is represented alphabetically, does require explicit knowledge of the phoneme since, unlike learning language, learning to read is a process that requires more
Coach Benjamin Mizrahi. Educator. Learning Specialist. Family Coach. Father. Husband.
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